Photography Plamo

Neon Barbatos

Winter has traditionally been the season for me to waste money on photo gear and take zero photos. While I managed to avoid buying anything so far, I certainly have not been active in my photo-taking, so here’s an attempt to scrape off a bit of the rust.

When I was editing this photo, I picked up a trick to remove the overwhelming amount of dust on the glass panel. The dust & scratches filter in Photoshop worked incredibly well. I’m certain this will allow me to redeem some of the really old photos, where I crushed the blacks during post-processing in misguided attempts to hide the dust on my cloth backdrops.

On a personal note, I’ll be going on my second trip to Japan in April. Unlike the first trip where I stayed mostly in Tokyo, this trip will be a 12-day whirlwind of madness through 8 cities during peak tourist season. I’ve been hitting the gym lately to prepare in preparation. The plan is to not get sick like last time, not to get rained on the entire trip like last time, and not get exhausted so easily like last time. MY BODY MUST BE READY.

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